Poor Monday

Mengutip status seorang teman: “Poor Monday, it must be hard to be the day after Sunday” Ya, jadi merasa kasihan pada Senin *apalagi kalau Senin setelah long weekend, beuuhh…* dan memutuskan tidak akan memaki-maki Senin lagi, hihihi… Btw, hari Jumat kemarin umat Muslim merayakan Idul Adha, walaupun telat, saya ucapkan “Selamat Idul Adha!!!” bagi yang READ MORE

Instant Flower

~Sunflower~ It is said that the language of the sunflower reads as longing for, seeing and loving someone always, and it can live well anywhere and especially on the sunny side. ~Mimosa~ Meaning of flower: “Feel a Species of Shame”. When at the evening or is touched, it will quickly close and drop down. It READ MORE

Posted in Fun


I was just curious about Samsung Corby ad jingle song. Such a fun and cheerful and full-color song >_< So with a little help from Google, here I found… Technicolour, by Paloma Faith… You can find the ad for Samsung Corby here. No, I won’t place the ad in my blog, though I’m working there READ MORE

Halo Halo Bandung

Akhir pekan, tepatnya hari Sabtu kemarin akhirnya gw menginjakkan kaki lagi di Bandung, uwooooh… Sudah lama tak berjumpa dengan kota kembang itu ^^ Dalam rangka apa ke Bandung? Uhmm.. Cuma mau ngeliat, gimana wujudnya sekarang jalan masuk ke kos-kosan gw dulu di Kebon Bibit. Menurut kabar berita, katanya sudah ketutupan sama gedung bertingkat yang sedang READ MORE

Whatever Clock

*picture taken from here* I want this in my room!!! Hummh, looks so simple… Instead of buying it, let’s just make it… ^^ Just wait and see, my cherry clock will have a new look!!! *soon… when I have my spare time, which… I don’t know when >_<*


Suatu malam di kantor… Di saat mulai merasa penat, bosan, sedikit muak, dengan problem list yang seakan ga ada habisnya, entah kesambet apa, tiba-tiba jari mengetikkan ‘youtube.com’, enter, ‘enya adiemus’, enter dan mulai khusyuk mendengarkan… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovVPmm7_Ezg[/youtube] Hwaaah, lagu ini benar-benar… nostalgic, jadi ingin cepat-cepat pulang dan menulis. And here I am, sitting in front of READ MORE

Bubuw, in memoriam

I dunno why, but from all of the cats I’ve ever known since I’m a little girl *fyi, that’s quite a big number*, he is the most unforgettable one… And now he’s gone *missing, not dead*, maybe someone took him away because he’s just too cute T___T He used to be my partner when I READ MORE