Instant Flower


It is said that the language of the sunflower reads as longing for, seeing and loving someone always, and it can live well anywhere and especially on the sunny side.


Meaning of flower: “Feel a Species of Shame”. When at the evening or is touched, it will quickly close and drop down. It has pink flowers, which are suitable for teaching material.


Bentuknya mirip minuman kaleng, tapi sebenarnya ini adalah ‘flower can’, atau kita sebut saja tanaman instan. Mirip dengan pop mie, atau mie gelas, katanya cukup dengan diberi air secara teratur, maka tanaman akan tumbuh dan berbunga. Sepertinya di dalam kaleng sudah ada media tanam lengkap dengan bibitnya.

Karena penasaran, akhirnya dibeli deh. Konsepnya unik *btw, di kaleng tertulis MADE IN KOREA, kok bisa ya terpikir ide kayak gini*. Untuk orang-orang yang sebenarnya ingin mencoba bercocok tanam, tapi terlalu malas untuk bermain-main dengan tanah. Ya, termasuk gw ^^;

The plan is, me and my sister will try to grow each flower, and will give it to each other as a present *if we succeed, really hope so*. I want mimosa *I love to play with it’s leaves, maybe it can help when I feel bored*, and my sister wants sunflower. So It’s decided that I will try to grow the sunflower, and she will work on the mimosa.

Hummh, let’s see what will happen in the next few weeks… Will there be flowers? Or…

*semoga dia bisa bertahan di tengah cuaca terik Cikarang >_<*

Posted in Fun

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