All the single ladies, now put your hands up…

Dedicated to all the single ladies, by Beyonce. C’mon, let’s shake some hips y’all!! *ah, tp ga boleh di-embedd :(* [youtube][/youtube] Lyric?? [spoiler] All the single ladies, all the single ladies All the single ladies, all the single ladies All the single ladies, all the single ladies All the single ladies Now put your hands READ MORE

Monica’s Gang

Mari bernostalgia… Monica’s Gang, salah satu komik favorit di zaman dahulu kala ^^; Versi bahasa Indonesia nya sih judulnya cuma ‘Monika’. Ada yang pernah baca? Ceritanya cukup kocak dan menghibur kok, berkisar di antara 4 orang tokoh utama anak-anak. *taken from here* Monica (Monika), kuat banget, suka marah-marah kalau digodain sama Jimmi Lima, senjatanya: boneka READ MORE

7 things about Minyu

Warning! This post is all about cat, well, kitten to be exact… If you don’t like cats just skip this one. Thank you. Ladies, and gentlemen… Please welcome, The youngest member of the gang… Minyuu~~!!! Minyu & Mom Anak dari Tuning *yang namanya kemudian berubah-ubah menjadi Tumining, atau Mining*. Makanya diberi nama Minyu, asal kata: READ MORE

2010, here we come…

*picture taken from here* Postingan pertama di tahun 2010, yaaay!!! Happy New Year everyone, wish you a wonderful year ahead… Seperti biasa, isi postingan blog di awal tahun biasanya ga jauh-jauh dari resolusi. Sayangnya gw ga pernah bikin resolusi ^^; I’m not really good at making plans, since I’m the type of ‘live for today, READ MORE