Di Tanah Air

Akhirnya, kembali berada di tanah air. Dan akhirnya… sampai juga di Bali! :D. Berasa banget kalo lagi di tanah air, karena cuma di tanah air… mesti hati-hati dikibulin supir taksi di airport. “Mau ke mana, Mbak?” | “The Stones hotel, Legian” | “150 ribu aja, Mbak” | “Meh…” *melenggang berlalu*. Akhirnya saya bayar 100 ribu sih, lumayan hemat 50 ribu. pada gak bisa ngeliat cewek jalan kaki sendirian. Setiap beberapa meter ada aja yang nyapa, READ MORE

On Cats and Their Affections

picture is taken from here My mom once said, unlike dogs, cats (as pets) are not feeling attached to the people, but to the house. That’s what differs cats from dogs: the level of affection, loyalty and attachment to their owner. Our cats are free to roam wherever they want, but they always come back to our house, for food, and comfortable place to sleep *sometimes, our warm laps* :D. Yeah, I think cats are READ MORE

Pssst… Please

Finally… a quiet evening. Well, not so quiet since the hostel I’m staying at is exactly at a crossroad somewhere in the city center of Dublin, but… manageable. Anyway, I had a very noisy day today. First, I got a headache from some Africans’ continuous loud chatter in the train from Trento to Verona. Please don’t get me wrong and call me racist. It’s just that… they talked to each other so loud (more like shouting to READ MORE

Women and Balls

Miss Granny is here! I’ve been waiting for this movie (to be subbed and uploaded to a streaming site :p) since the beginning of this year. The theme is a bit similar to 13 Going to 30, or Freaky Friday. After watching the first 2 minutes, I can’t resist to open my blog and write about this. The opening is too damn funny! Besides… I’m a big fan of metaphor ;). If you compare a woman READ MORE

Stories from Home

I actually just came back from home, yes, home sweet home… Indonesia! 🙂 After I came back from Iceland trip, I only had 19 days to finish every work-related things that need to be closed, before my flight to Jakarta. Did I finish them? Of course… not. Most of the time I was relaxing at home, but there are times when I had to open my laptop, checking and sending emails, and worked until late at night. Those READ MORE

Updates on PhD Life

In order to be consistent with ‘one blogpost per month’ this year *damn, I was more productive back then…*, I will just write some updates on my PhD life, which is going quite well. I’m halfway through my second year now, and I can say.. I’m back on track, after being a bit lost during the first year :). #1 Qualifying exam… passed! PhD Research Proposal – Qualifying Exam from Paramita Mirza I passed the READ MORE

Friday the 13th and the Curse of a Hobbit Box

Friday the 13th occurs twice in 2013: September 2013 and December 2013. Yes, the latter was Friday two weeks ago. It is believed to be an ominous and cursed day, a day when bad luck happens. And combined with the ’13’ in 2013? Brrr… it made me shivering. Kidding. I don’t believe such things. In fact, on that day… let me think… I think I had quite some fun, exploring the Christmas market here in READ MORE

Bahasa Ibu, Bahasa Indonesia

Baru-baru ini saya membaca artikel yang ditulis dengan sangat apik, tentang kecenderungan masyarakat Indonesia masa kini yang mencampur-adukkan bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris, supaya terdengar lebih cerdas dan modern. Jangan salah, walaupun saya jauh di sini, masih kok memantau berita gosip di Indonesia, dan rasanya miris banget mendengar gaya bicara si Vicky Prasetyo. Lalu entah mengapa saya pun tertantang untuk menulis sepenuhnya dalam bahasa Indonesia, yang ternyata… susah ya bok ^^. Apalagi akhir-akhir ini saya lebih sering READ MORE

In my next life

I want to become a… plant! Preferably a flower, a good smelling and beautiful one, but anyway… any plant which serves a good purpose for its surroundings is fine with me. “Why?” You might ask. Well, I’m kinda tired of living as human. Human life is very complicated, and tiring. We have desire, and that makes us sometimes ambitious, greedy, competitive, envious of others, and… so many more, a huge pile of emotions that sometimes READ MORE

Dilemma and Decision

After a series of vacations *got me into dreamy and browse-for-cheap-ticket mode*, unhealthiness *sprained knee from the last skiing, and feverish bear*, and papers… I finally get to write again! Not that I don’t have enough free time to write, it’s just that the laziness, and sleeping and watching (movies, series) moods, attacked me in the last few days (or weeks? :p). Just recently a friend faced a great dilemma and had to make a READ MORE