…which is called -paper bliss- *well, I think the exact name hadn’t been decided yet, but let’s just call it -paper bliss-*
a website about paper art, and four kinds of it: origami, kirigami, papercraft, and paper tole…
According to her, this project’s supposed to be a semester project of her computer study at high school. When I first hear that, I was like “wow, making a website, at high school??”, coz as I remember, my first making a website was during my first semester at college.
Anyway, she asked my help. So during this holiday, I spend my time helping her design the web. But in the end, I become sooo much involved ^^; End up I treat it as my very own project. It’s been a while since I ‘play’ with photoshop + html + css + javascript, and I have so much fun!!!
Uhmm.. maybe this is a little too much for a highschool project ^^; But I don’t care, as long as I have fun, hohoho… And I couldn’t resist to show you my work… ^___^ I guess I’m too proud of it ;p
haha.. licik.. masa’ dikerjain kk nya, yg notabene alumni if.. pasti dapet nilai bagus lah.. XD
btw, itu preload image nya kok kaya ga bener2 preload ya.. pake dreamweaver ya? 😀
iya tuh, aneh..
harusnya kan preload onLoad semua, hummm…
pake script jaman dulu sih, jaman2 imk ^^; ntar deh diutak-atik lagi, kalo ga males ;p