D Day

Today, at 18.05 PM, Insya Allah QR673 with me on it will take off to Doha, and then QR019 to Paris. Preparation? Hummmh, let’s see…

Packing: done. Suitcase 22kg, cabin travel bag 4kg, and notebook backpack 4kg *really hope that they’re not overweight >_<*. I just bring a few that might be necessary *including food supply for couple of days ^^v*, so maybe some more will be sent from home later ;p.

Learn French: not yet. Don’t have time for that T__T *or maybe I’m just too lazy to learn*. Well then, I will use 9 hours of transit in Doha to remember few phrases that can help me when I *reaaally hope not* get lost.

Get anti-flu shot: not yet. One of the requirement to get any is to be healthy. And until two days ago I still caught a flu, damn.

Enough euros: done. Though until today the scholarship fund hasn’t been transferred yet *sigh*, but I manage to collect some euros to get me through the first couple of weeks in Nancy. Hail my parents! :))

Paris~Nancy transport: done. I’ve done my best to prepare this, but getting lost is my specialty, so… ^^; let’s just pray that everything is gonna be okay.

The plan is:

  • I’m supposed to arrive at Terminal 1 Charles De Gaulle Airport, so, I need to take airport shuttle to Terminal 2, where Roissy CDG TGV Station is located.
  • Go to the locket to retrieve my TGV ticket to Lorraine TGV Station.
  • Ride TGV (Train de Grande Vitesse = high-speed train) to Lorraine, but need to transfer (change train) at Marne La Vallee TGV Station (where Disneyland Paris is located) for an hour.
  • Arrive at Lorraine TGV Station, take shuttle bus (navette) to Nancy Station which runs every hour.
  • Arrive at Nancy Station, where someone will pick me up and take me to Residence Provencal, my soon to be home.

Yosh, I’m well prepared!! *crossing finger* ^^

Full charged gadget: done. Notebook, mobile phone, camera, MP3 player: checked.

Documents (Passport, Visa) and Ticket: done. Okay, need to check this thoroughly one more time before leaving home.


To be very far away from all my beloved people here: done. Well, haven’t well prepared yet, but… I’m ready. I’m sure I’m gonna miss them so much, but life must go on, rite? This is a good opportunity to be more independent person, to grab once in a lifetime experience, to taste the bittersweet of living far from family and friends, in a new environment. And to meet new people with different culture, to go to new places in this vast world. Nope, I wouldn’t miss it ^^.

And allow me to start this new journey of life with… Bismillah… Wish me luck 🙂

3 thoughts on “D Day

  1. nyuun says:

    Tata, when you’ve settled safe n sound down there , let me know how to pay for the cookies ya… hihihi. Have a happy journey dear.. 🙂

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