Trees are getting leafless. Some of them have their leaves changed into beautiful glows.
According to this, this week I will be able to touch the snow for the first time *excited* ^^
Lastly, Christmas is near, means… holiday is near! *today’s just the first day of 2nd part of the semester, and I’ve already been thinking about holiday ;p*
Oh, and it also means… me turn 24 is near >_<. I don’t want much, just give me a cat will be enough *wink* One named Nando is preferred…
stuttgart hari ini turun salju lhooo, miiit 😀
ho yaa? wah wah.. seru dooong ^^ jd pengen cepet” hari rabu..
waa.. ak belum smpt ketemu salju..
hooo terlanjur pulang ya mbak, minta balik lagi aja, hihi…