My New Look!

As the title said, look… look! Look at my new look!!

Ah, forgive me for being rude. Let me introduce myself first. Hello everyone! I’m paramitopia’s BLOG ^^. It’s nice that I finally have a chance to talk here. Right now my master is unconscious after two full days of designing and working for my new look. That’s why I took over, mwahahahah… ๐Ÿ˜†

I bet you thought my master is finally free from her tasks and projects, that she has free time to design this. Actually nope, she still has one more project left, and one more final presentation for this semester. But it seems that the deadline is still… considerably far from now, at least for her standard ;p.

The thing is, I heard she’s mumbling that she has had enough with Python and LaTeX, though the last project will be all about Python. Maybe that’s why she decided to play around with CSS, PHP, and Photoshop for a while, before meet with ‘that snake’ again ^^;

Back to the topic, so how do you like my new look? ๐Ÿ˜‰ My master designed me a simple and clean look this time, since I’m more mature now, ehem. Can you believe that I’m already 3 years old? ^^ And still with her favorite color scheme: blue & green. She even designed me a new home!

I love my new home! ๐Ÿ˜€

Okay, that’s it. Let’s hope for the best for my master, that she’ll be able to finish this semester without any problem. Oh, one more thing, you can have my new look if you want ;), this time my master decided to share it. You can download it here.

See ya’ later folks!

8 thoughts on “My New Look!

  1. nyun says:

    iconnya jadi aneh2…kotak2, yg lidah meled2 jadi kaya bebek, hihihih..

    Btw Ta, aku nemu jam kaya di home menu km disini, ada juga yg jual, hohoho. Tapi ga sempet ngintip harganya, lagi sambil lewat doang soalnya liatnya..hee ๐Ÿ˜€

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