Now & Then: How Much Have We Grown?

The idea came from my sister, while we both have a lot of free time… at home. I mean, when will we have a chance to do silly things like this again? ;p

Some points to conclude…

First, we do still have identical shirts! The difference is, they used to be in different sizes. Now they’re identical to the size, but we have a reason for buying two shirts ;). There is no way we can use one shirt alternately, at least for the next two semesters.

Second, I can no longer hug my sister from behind without standing on my tippy toes. And there is no way to stand upright if I want the camera to also capture my face, not just my hands hugging her *that would be creepy don’t you think?*.

Third, we don’t have identical dresses anymore :(. Well actually, we barely have dresses now *put on shirt/blouse + jeans, then we’re good to go*. Back then, most of our collections of dresses came from our mother’s hands. Now, the sewing machine kinda lose its purpose ;p. The only ‘dresses’ that almost have the same color and design, and of course fit us are… daster batik*!

And lastly… we can still have a good laugh and smile at the end of the day, no matter how hard it is 🙂

*) daster: some kind of pajamas that is very comfortable for sleeping in tropical countries, with hot and humid weather; batik: see here

4 thoughts on “Now & Then: How Much Have We Grown?

  1. nyun says:

    ya ampun, ade km mukanya konsisten sekali dari kecil, hihihi 🙂
    rumahnya juga masih yg sama dari dulu ya Ta? *eh kacamata km beda, keliatan beda.. :D*

    • paramitopia says:

      Iya tuh, dari dulu sampe sekarang pipinya masih berbakso aja ;p
      Rumahnya masih samaa, hampir ga brubah ^^ kacamata emang wajib ganti, biar ga bosen, hihi..

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