Da die Katze viel freie Zeit hat, lernt sie Deutsch, so dass sie mit der Familie des Bären sprechen kann. Sie lernt mit einem Spiel, welches duoLingo heißt. Es ist interessant! Die Katze lernt so schnell.
I knew of duoLingo for the first time on one of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) seminars, as one of prominent online courses for language. At that time I was thinking, “Hmmm… interesting”, but that’s all, I didn’t even bother to try it.
However recently, my friends were talking about it, that they learn Italian through this game, beating each other in the leaderboard. It is quite great especially when you have nothing else to do and want to defeat the boredom by doing something useful. So I decided to visit the site, and was excited when I saw that they have an app for it. The app is cool! Because having the game in my mobile phone, I can play while waiting for the bus or train, or even on the bus/train ride, or on the bed before going to sleep… perfect!
Now I’m on level 7 of German ^^ I hope I can finish the lesson (game) soon and move to the next step, watching movies or reading something in German. My goal is a basic German comprehension *for the upcoming ski holiday with the bear’s family on February ;)* so that I could at least understand what people are talking about. Participating in the conversation is of course the ultimate goal, but learning a language is like baby steps, don’t rush it :p.
And then after that… Italian! 😀
Cheers, optimistic cat 😉