Miss Granny is here! I’ve been waiting for this movie (to be subbed and uploaded to a streaming site :p) since the beginning of this year. The theme is a bit similar to 13 Going to 30, or Freaky Friday. After watching the first 2 minutes, I can’t resist to open my blog and write about this. The opening is too damn funny! Besides… I’m a big fan of metaphor ;).
If you compare a woman to a ball…
Then a woman in her teens is a basketball. To catch the ball high up in the air, every man reaches for it as hard as he can.
A woman in her 20s is a rugby ball. Several men attack the balls like dogs trying to take possession of it. This is the only time in life a man will risk his life for a ball.
A woman in her 30s is a ping pong ball. The number of men going after the ball is significantly reduced. But the amount of attention paid to the ball is still decent.
A middle-aged woman is a golf ball. There’s only one man for one ball. And the man tries to send the ball as far away as he can.
And beyond that… She’s a dodge ball.