The Case for Early Daycare, or Kita (in Germany)

Kindertagesstätte, or more popular as Kita, basically means a daycare center for children in Germany. It is a collective term used for referring to Kinderkrippe or nursery for children up to three-years-old, Kindergarten for children age three to six, and Kinderhort, an after-school care for primary school children. This website gives a very comprehensive information READ MORE

Explaining the Gap

I have no valid excuses: I simply abandoned this blog for more than 3 years, which… coincides with my PostDoc period 😀 maybe there’s a correlation. My official homepage (as a researcher), however, is updated frequently. One of the reasons is that my old domain ( was expired and I moved to this new domain. READ MORE

La Bicicleta

by Carlos Vives & Shakira. If I think of summer 2016, I will have this song playing in the background 🙂 As a beginner cyclist–my first biking trip was four years ago, only one year after I learned how to ride a bike–, I’m quite satisfied with the biking trips I did this summer: Bolzano-Terlan-Bolzano (30 km), READ MORE

Keep Pushing (the Boundary)

I was re-organizing my bookmarks the other day, which were just a collection of links that I found interesting… at some point in my life. Some of them can’t even be opened anymore. Anyway, I found this one that is actually quite relevant with my situation now: Matt Might, a professor in Computer Science at the University READ MORE