This book is one of Aidan’s favorite, about a Neinhorn (a pun on Einhorn, meaning unicorn) that always says “Nein”. But I’m not going to talk about the book. I’m going to talk about the Neinhorn in our household. Since he was born, I’ve always felt that Aidan is… difficult, strong-willed, or, the term I came across recently and liked the most, spirited. I’ve been wanting to write about this since a year ago, here’s READ MORE
Category: Deep Thought
The Case for Early Daycare, or Kita (in Germany)
Kindertagesstätte, or more popular as Kita, basically means a daycare center for children in Germany. It is a collective term used for referring to Kinderkrippe or nursery for children up to three-years-old, Kindergarten for children age three to six, and Kinderhort, an after-school care for primary school children. This website gives a very comprehensive information about Kita. Our Kita, Kita Unikate Saarbrücken, is located in the same building as the University’s Mensa (canteen), only 200 READ MORE
Prasangka Terhadap Pasangan Beda Ras
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan. Picture is taken from here. Sengaja saya tulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia, supaya bisa menjadi pembuka pikiran bagi orang-orang Indonesia yang sering berprasangka buruk terhadap pasangan yang berbeda ras dan warna kulit. Walaupun agak ga mungkin orang-orang bodoh itu mampir ke sini dan baca blog saya, tapi berharap boleh dong ya :p. Saya menulis berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri, jadi lingkupnya terbatas untuk wanita WNI yang punya pasangan WNA alias bule. Sudah sering sih saya membaca postingan blog READ MORE
About Saying Sorry
This morning, my peaceful shower time was disrupted by a neighbor child’s loud cries, and a woman’s –most probably the child’s mother– yells. At first the woman’s shouts were in Chinese, which I don’t understand at all. I assume that she expressed why she was angry. But then, the woman starts yelling repeatedly, “Say sorry!” Instead of saying sorry, the child’s cries grow louder and louder. The woman was so persistent to get to hear that ‘sorry’ word from the READ MORE
Hi there, 2015!
picture is taken from here I was trying to find my ‘new-year-blog-post’ for 2014, to reflect on my last year resolutions. It turns out that… I have none! 😀 Hmmm… well, I will revive the tradition again this year. Welcome, 2015! I hope you’ll be wonderful like last year… or even better 😉 At the end of 2012, I started two ‘big projects’ of my life. The first one is supposed to be a three-year project, so I hope READ MORE
Of A Very Shiny Crystal Ball Called Google
Imagine this feeling. You have this very shiny crystal ball on your hands, and you can’t wait to put it safely on a shelf, so you can show it off to everyone. However, it’s reaaally heavy, and it took a lot of effort and carefulness to place it safely on the shelf. Just when you think you’re really close, you somehow let it go. You stumbled, or your hands just gave up because it’s too READ MORE
Tentang 'bising'-nya media sosial
picture is taken from here Seru rasanya mengamati para pengguna media sosial di Indonesia, yang ramai-ramai beropini dan berdebat pada masa pemilihan caleg dan presiden, yang mengomentari hal-hal sepele macam cara mengalikan bilangan bulat, dan yang terakhir… masalah pilkada langsung dan tak langsung. Lalu ada yang berkomentar: “Males liat timeline isinya ricuh politik”, atau “Ah, timeline isinya tentang perkalian semua”, termasuk saya juga sih ;). Padahal sebenarnya sih yang salah ya yang mantengin timeline hampir READ MORE
Myself: redefined
People change over time, so once in a while I feel the need to redefine myself, asking myself “Who am I?”, to be able to go forward. I love cats. Not only because they’re cute, but also because they give me some comfort human cannot give. Only applies if the cat is friendly with me. I hate waiting. Sometimes the impatient is manageable, sometimes it’s not. I love water, and sun. A beach, by the READ MORE
Bahasa Ibu, Bahasa Indonesia
Baru-baru ini saya membaca artikel yang ditulis dengan sangat apik, tentang kecenderungan masyarakat Indonesia masa kini yang mencampur-adukkan bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris, supaya terdengar lebih cerdas dan modern. Jangan salah, walaupun saya jauh di sini, masih kok memantau berita gosip di Indonesia, dan rasanya miris banget mendengar gaya bicara si Vicky Prasetyo. Lalu entah mengapa saya pun tertantang untuk menulis sepenuhnya dalam bahasa Indonesia, yang ternyata… susah ya bok ^^. Apalagi akhir-akhir ini saya lebih sering READ MORE
Women in Computer Science
It all started when someone sent me a link for the chance of travelling to the States for free :). The occasion is to attend the 2013 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference, in Minneapolis. When I excitedly started filling the form, I found that there is one requirement to write an essay about “Women in Computer Science”. I started Googling for references, and came across this cool video. she++: The Documentary from Ellora READ MORE