First of all… yes, I’m at home. And yes, I’m procrastinating. I’m so sorry, dear work, research, and… similar stuff :(. How am I procrastinating –besides writing a blog post, of course–? The answer is… coloring! A friend *hi, Jen!* introduces me to this new addictive activity. It was addictive when I was a child, but then I moved on to drawing and painting, the more ‘grown-up’ stuff :p. The problem with drawing or painting READ MORE
Category: Books
Books: 4-Hour Workweek
I have to confess.. I don’t read non-fiction books, except for –of course– books for the courses that I attend. Those books about self-help or self improvement or time management never attract me. Well, I read Chicken Soup for the Soul a long long time ago, perhaps they could be considered as non-fiction? Oh, and I also did read these books as a child, did you? Or Seri Tokoh Dunia? :). Anyway, I stumbled upon this READ MORE
Hobi Yang Terlupakan
Masih ingat tradisi zaman dahulu kala? Zaman saya SD tepatnya, yaitu… tradisi tukar-menukar diary lucu, untuk diisi dengan biodata ^^. Sekarang sudah ga zaman lah ya, dengan begitu banyaknya social media. Sejak dulu itu saya selalu menulis “membaca” sebagai hobi, dan “paramitha rusadi” sebagai artis favorit :)). Sayangnya sekarang hobi yang satu itu terlupakan, digantikan oleh “menonton”, “browsing internet“, “membaca komik online”, dan “blogging/blogwalking”. Well, sebenarnya sih semua melibatkan aktivitas membaca yaa, menonton kan kadang READ MORE