My sister just arrived in Singapore when we decided to visit the Chinatown area. Right after we got out from the MRT station, we stumbled upon a cat café! It is called The Company of Cats, located in the Mosque St. Now, a little bit of history about cat café… The world’s first cat café, “Cat Flower Garden”, opened its doors in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1998. Then, the concept blossomed in Japan and became very popular, with seventy nine READ MORE
Category: Cats
Stories from Home
I actually just came back from home, yes, home sweet home… Indonesia! 🙂 After I came back from Iceland trip, I only had 19 days to finish every work-related things that need to be closed, before my flight to Jakarta. Did I finish them? Of course… not. Most of the time I was relaxing at home, but there are times when I had to open my laptop, checking and sending emails, and worked until late at night. Those READ MORE
The Lynx Liaison
Watched this during our long flight back from India, couldn’t stop giggling and “awww..”-ing ^^. A perfect closure after successfully met a Bengal tiger in the wild, only around 10 meters away and without any fence. Definitely a highly recommended documentary for cat lovers :D. Enjoy!
O, I, and A
Presenting… the newest kittens in da house! But uhm, well, I’m not so sure, because I lost track of the overgrown population of cats in my house now ^^; Anyway, surprisingly, my Mom who used to be so creative in finding names for all the cats, lost her mojo and decided to give them one-letter-name :)) Worse than one-word-name she and my father gave me *I still resent them for that, haha kidding.. I love READ MORE
Mami Snowy, Ibu Berdedikasi
*Huatcihhhh* *huatttcciihm* *sniff sniff* Maaf, sodara-sodara sekalian, saya alergi debu, dan sekarang terpaksa menulis sambil pegang kemoceng. Dang, tebel bener ya debu di blog ini, setelah tak disentuh dua bulan ^^; Mungkin karena otaknya habis dipakai belajar mati-matian selama exam session kemarin, rasanya susaaah banget merangkai kata membentuk cerita. I lost my words, and lost my will to write :'( *especially to start writing my thesis ;p*. Nah, kebetulan tadi baru telepon rumah, dan sang READ MORE
The Chicken and The Cats: Catch Me If You Can!
My mom just sent me these pictures, with the caption: “There’s a lost chicken up in the tree” “And the cats are all like ‘Mom, if we can catch it, would you cook it for us?’” LOL. We don’t know whose chicken is that, but yeah, we own all of the cats ^^. Oh how I really miss them, and miss home. These pictures really made my day :). Somehow I feel warm inside, even READ MORE
PocaPoci In Action
Saya memang orang rumahan, karena bagi saya, liburan yang sebenar-benarnya adalah menghabiskan waktu bersantai di rumah. Kegiatannya? Banyak. Bahkan menyapu di pagi hari bisa menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan *thank God you can’t see my face nor hear my voice when I said that :D*. Kegiatan favorit saya.. Mengamati tingkah laku kucing-kucing di rumah yang kadang bikin tergelak. Hiburan yang satu ini memang ga ada habisnya, secara kucing di rumah sudah beranak-pinak sampai entah-berapa generasi, macam READ MORE
Tragedi Calico Jantan
Hari ini buka Google, muncul gambar kacang-kacangan. Ternyata ulang tahun Gregor Mendel, seorang pakar genetika yang pasti dikenal lewat buku Biologi waktu SMP dulu. Beliau terkenal lewat eksperimennya pada kacang polong, dan salah satu kasus yang juga saya ingat adalah tentang kucing calico, alias belang tiga. Dengan teori genetika tersebut, disebutkan bahwa tidak mungkin ada calico yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Kenyataannya? Ada tuh ^^ Seperti yang dijelaskan di buku Cats are Not Peas oleh Laura READ MORE
I miss you…
Nandooo!!! :'( Anyway, this is a weird city, how can I never see any cat around since I first came here? They’re all dogs everywhere… … ugh, I’m in need of warm, purring, playful fur >_<
7 Days Left
So much things to do, so little time left… Status sebagai pengangguran ternyata bukan berarti saya bisa nganggur leyeh-leyeh di rumah ^^;. Banyak yang harus disiapkan, dan yang harus dilakukan. Tugas utama: packing!!, belajar bahasa Perancis Tugas sampingan: bantu Mum buat kue kering pesanan, nyicip kue :)) *mumpung lagi ga puasa* Tugas opsional: ngunyel-ngunyel Nando kalau lagi stress dan butuh hiburan Hari ini, baru selesai memilah-milah baju untuk dibawa *yang ternyata buanyaaak, kayaknya harus dipilih READ MORE