Setelah tertunda 2 minggu karena cuaca yang tidak memungkinkan dan faktor lainnya, akhirnya rencana biking trip yang sempat saya sebut di sini terlaksana juga. Yap, setelah 2 minggu mengumpulkan keberanian untuk mencoba bersepeda jarak jauh *termasuk gladi resik sehari sebelumnya untuk mengingat kembali gimana caranya naik sepeda ;p*, akhirnya saya memutuskan… ikut!! Walaupun ga punya sepeda tak jadi masalah, karena ada tempat penyewaan sepeda dengan cukup membayar 1 euro untuk 6 jam. Sehabis makan siang, untuk READ MORE
Category: Life in Europe
Bolzano Hiking Trip
Have I told you before, that Bolzano is surrounded by mountains? So it is like heaven for people who like to go hiking because there are a lot of walking and hiking path with beautiful view of the mountains. So here you go, my experiences of hiking at Bolzano, plus the captured view. #1 Latemar, Labyrinth Path My first hiking trip, ever! And I love it! At the end of October, we went from Karersee READ MORE
Let's Go Skiing!
Setelah 2 minggu berkutat dengan nyeri punggung, pinggang, leher, kaki *iyaa, seluruh badan >.<*, akhirnya badan terasa normal lagi dan jari-jari ini sudah bisa luwes untuk mengetik tentang pengalaman ski pertama saya. It was fun! Tapi si badan, yang tak pernah diajak berolahraga sebelumnya, benar-benar menderita setengah mati setelahnya. Untungnya saya tinggal di Bolzano, tak perlu jauh-jauh sudah bisa merasakan bermain ski di the Alps, hihi. Jadi, ski resort yang kami kunjungi yaitu Carezza Ski, terletak di READ MORE
Permesso di Soggiorno
..a.k.a residence permit. Getting this is one of the most important thing to do after I arrived at Bolzano, besides opening a bank account ;p. First of all, within 8 working days of entry into the Schengen area, we have to apply for that. Fortunately the International Relations Office from the university helped us fill the form. Then we had to bring all the required documents and the revenue stamp (marca da bollo) of € 14.62 to READ MORE
Golden Fall in Trento
Last week I went to Trento (±40~60 minutes by train from Bolzano) to discuss the project that will be extended to become my thesis, for only… 3 and a half hours :(. Departed from Bolzano at 9 in the morning, got there around 10, then I had to go back soon because I had class at 4. It was so cold that day, and i had to walk to and from the train station early READ MORE
L'Autunno a Bolzano
I’ve been here for two months, yet I’ve never posted pictures of Bolzano, “una città bellissima e tranquilla” :). So here you go, the color of autumn in Bolzano… During this season, we can almost always find this fruit in the mensa (university canteen, where I eat most of the time ;)), which is… Cachi! That’s the Italian name for persimmon. Actually I didn’t know the existence of this fruit before coming here, at first READ MORE
Headless Signor Shower
Time of death… 10.05 AM, this morning. Actually I had this bad feeling this morning, since I woke up. The feeling of… “I don’t want to get out from this blanket! Should I skip the class?”. Errr, well, actually it happens almost every morning 😉 Anyway, half an hour before the class start, I managed to force myself to go to the bathroom, and took a shower. Then it happened.. I don’t exactly know what READ MORE
Meteo a Bolzano
Setelah sebulan lebih di sini, saya baru tahu website lokal untuk cuaca di Bolzano ^^;. Biasanya website lokal lebih akurat sih, dibandingkan dengan ramalan cuaca lain dari Google. So here it is, meteo a Bolzano website.. Fitur yang paling saya suka… temperature map! Cool! Entah kenapa saya lebih suka membaca suhu dari warnanya daripada membaca angka derajat, memang dasar berjiwa visual. Si temperature map ini diupdate setiap jam. And here you go, the temperature map READ MORE
Room Makeover Project #3
Continuing the tradition (#1 & #2), I’ve started to collect things that can help me boost my mood, when I’m staying in my room. Now let’s see… I bought it to anticipate the (rumoured) freezing cold room during winter. Turns out this one is too big for my bed ^^; But I don’t mind, as long as I can sleep peacefully. Ugh, just looking at the picture makes me wanna jump into the bed and READ MORE
Ciao Bolzano!
Setelah dua bulan penuh hura-hura di tanah air, saya pun kembali merantau ke daratan Eropa. Kalau tahun lalu saya berangkat ke Perancis dengan antusiasme tinggi, tahun ini… I no longer want any adventure, please… send me home right now! terus bergema di kepala. Sepanjang perjalanan, rasanya gloomy, sibuk mengutuk kegiatan mengangkat dan menggeret koper. Backsound All By Myself by Eric Carmen pun mengalun… Waduh, paragraf pertama kok hawanya negatif banget ya ^^; Mari berharap semoga READ MORE