One question that got me thinking during the interviews with Google was, “Do you have any experience in building an NLP tool, like a tagger or a parser, for Indonesian language?”, and my answer was, “Well, ehem, not yet.” I wonder why… That’s why, during the last Christmas/New Year break *while waiting for the result of the interviews*, I decided to do something for Indonesian language :”>. Actually, almost the same thing I already did for READ MORE
Category: NLP
Main NLP/CL 2015 Conference Deadlines
It’s a bit late, I know *I was caught up with some of these deadlines*, but here is the list of deadlines for main Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Computational Linguistics (CL) conferences in 2015. I also put the conferences’ important dates in Google Calendar, and make it publicly available at the following URLs: XML: ICAL: HTML: The calendar’s timezone is GMT+01:00, since I’m in Italy. I couldn’t find a way to make the timezone adjustable according READ MORE
Top NLP/CL Conferences and Journals
I got this tips from the Research Methodology course that I took last year, which is mandatory for first year students in my PhD program: one of the first steps in the PhD study is knowing your community, i.e. the conferences and journals for your field, where people with the same interests gather and share the knowledge and their research. For Natural Language Processing or Computational Linguistics field, Google Scholar computes the ranking of publications (including READ MORE
Main NLP/CL 2014 Conference Deadlines
Here is the list of deadlines for main Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Computational Linguistics (CL) conferences in 2014. Conference Submission Date Notification Date Conference Date Location ICML 2014 (cycle 1 submission) Oct 3, 2013 Dec 9, 2013 Jun 22-24, 2014 Beijing, China LREC 2014 Oct 15, 2013 Jan 31, 2014 May 28-30, 2014 Reykjavik, Iceland EACL 2014 (long paper) Oct 18, 2013 Dec 20, 2013 Apr 28-30, 2014 Gothenburg, Sweden EACL 2014 (short paper) READ MORE
Thesis… Submitted!
Finally, exactly 2 weeks before the D-Day a.k.a defense day, I managed to finish my thesis and submitted 3 bound copies to the university. Why 3 I’m not sure, one of them will go to university library, and I’m supposed to get one back after the defense, the other one… perhaps because I have co-supervisor in different university. I really like it that we don’t have to make a hardcover of the thesis, we just READ MORE
Four semesters… passed.
Meneruskan tradisi, seperti apa yang sebelumnya ditulis di sini, sana, dan situ. Waktu semester ketiga selesai kemarin entah kenapa mood untuk menulis enggan muncul, jadinya tak terdokumentasi deh ;p. Sekarang, empat semester terlewati sudah, sudah 2 tahun! Harusnya sih sudah lulus, tapi apa daya, thesis masih stuck di halaman introduction, hahahah. Sedikit cerita tentang kampus di Bolzano… I love it more than the one in Nancy! Kenapa? Karena kalau misalnya saya keluar dari kamar berangkat READ MORE
Tahun pertama… usai sudah.
Pulang liburan kemarin saya masih dag-dig-dug karena email berisi hasil semester II tak kunjung muncul di inbox. Tapi lalu ada teman yang memberi link situs universitas, yang tak pernah saya buka karena dalam bahasa Perancis ;p, dan ternyata nilai-nilai sudah ter-update di sana. Alhamdulillah rata-ratanya masih bisa dibilang bagus ^^, walaupun ada satu nilai yang merusak suasana, huh. Semester II ini tak seperti semester I kemarin, yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian. Pada intinya… semester II READ MORE
Otak Manusia… Dan Isi Otak Saya ;p
Hanya sekedar ingin mendokumentasikan isi kepala, sekaligus sebagai pengingat kenapa saya sampai terdampar di sini, kalau-kalau suatu saat terlena keasyikan jalan-jalan dan lupa kuliah… Maaf kalau terlalu berat topiknya ^^; Sejak 2 hari yang lalu kuliah semester II sudah dimulai, total ada 5 mata kuliah, tapi sampai hari ini baru 4 yang kelasnya sudah dimulai: Mathematics for Computer Science *seperti Kalkulus Dasar + Logika Informatika terulang lagi -_-*, Programming for Computational Linguistics *Python + Prolog, lagi… well, READ MORE
1 Semester… Done. 3 More To Go!
Hari Rabu kemarin, diiringi selesainya ujian terakhir, semester pertama part II *tentang part I bisa dibaca di sini* pun berakhir sudah. Uhuy!! 🙂 Sebenarnya total mata kuliah di semester part II ini ada 6, tapi semua sifatnya pilihan, dan hanya diperbolehkan mengambil 4 mata kuliah. Mata kuliah yang saya ambil antara lain: 1. Grammatical Formalisms 2. Corpus Linguistics 3. Discourse and Dialogue 4. Lexicology and Lexicography Keempat-empatnya kuliah Linguistic, sengaja begitu, karena katanya nanti di READ MORE
Ujian… Selesai.
Minggu ujian… telah usai!! Hip hip hurraaayy!!! Dengan demikian, semester pertama part I selesai sudah. Mulai minggu depan sudah akan berkutat dengan mata kuliah baru. Yap, di sini sistemnya aneh, satu semester dibagi menjadi 2 bagian: 4 mata kuliah part I dan 4 mata kuliah part II. Empat mata kuliah part I antara lain: 1. Logics & Statistics 2. Tools & Algorithms for NLP 3. NLP Application 4. Data Mining & Semantic Web Logisc & READ MORE